
North Lindsey


Interest groups are the backbone of the U3A. Groups are formed by like-minded members who wish to promote interest and learning in subjects new and old. Most groups are of a self-help nature where knowledge and interest is shared with the emphasis on pleasure. No qualifications needed or given - merely active participation and enthusiasm!

Please note that only full paid-up members of the u3a may join the Interest Groups.

Group Leaders take on the responsibility for operation and organisation - not a difficult task, this merely involves setting dates and times, organising a venue and dealing with any fees/room hire costs incurred.

They may or may not have expertise in the subject. Some groups may have more than one Leader, some members share the responsibility and in other groups, the leadership may pass from one member to another.

Anyone can start a group so if you have a skill or interest you are willing to share, then you will be welcome to create a new group. The key is enjoyment and members may belong to as many groups as they wish.

Groups may have several different venues - some meet regularly at Scawby Village Hall, some at local pubs and many are at the homes of members. Unless it is stated otherwise, Interest Group meetings are held once a month.

There is a recently created WhatsApp Group for members to contact each other for meeting up for coffee, walks or accompanying each other to the cinema, theatre etc.

Groups listed alphabetically

To improve our offer to members, we have started a joint initiative with Scunthorpe & District u3a. Members from both groups can join each other's Interest groups should they wish to.  Click on Scunthorpe and District u3a Groups and contact the relevant group leader.  Under u3a rules, priority must be given to the host u3a's members.